Tuesday, March 27, 2012

#Cash4Cameron: Fatcats - Budget For Tycoons And Dinners

How the Camerons would look dining at their flat
How the Camerons would look dining at their flat
Dodgy Dave’s Downing Street Diner, as Scouse MP Steve Rotheram memorably dubbed Cameron’s No10, is a health risk to democracy.

The Prime Minister has been caught red-handed selling British democracy to the highest bidder.

Instead of one person, one vote, he’s running a ­Government by one tycoon, one cheque.
We’ll never know exactly what was discussed over Samantha’s coq au vin.

But you can bet your house it wasn’t how to raise living standards, eradicate poverty or improve public services.

Visitors to Downing Street bearing Tory gifts will, most people would sensibly assume, want something in return....read more
