One may find it most odd to become a suspect in the death of your child and then be allowed to leave the country BUT not if you have a friend such as Gordon Brown...Gordon had the McCanns whisked straight out of Portugal before they could be charged and where was Gordon the day after the McCanns returned to Rothley YES you've guessed it, he along with Jaqui Smith were in Leicester...Now I wonder what could they be doing there ? LINK to Number 10 proving this visit as you can see has been removed !
Gordon Brown in Leicester, on September 12, 2007
Gordon Brown has visited a police station in Leicester to see first hand how the police are tackling crime. Accompanied by Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, the PM travelled to the Beaumont Leys police station in the north west of the city. During a tour of the station Mr Brown discussed neighbourhood policing and engagement with local residents and police officers. Following the visit the PM and the Home Secretary attended a Citizens Jury on the subject of crime at the Walkers.
Now we come to the Smith sighting, an extraordinary case of events. Could Gordon Brown have gone to discuss Mr.Martin Smith with Leicester police and the McCanns ?...you see when Gerry McCann arrived in England a witness was 80% certain the man he saw that night around 10pm was no less than Gerry McCann himself carrying a barefoot child answering to the description of Madeleine ! This sighting which would have been very credible is IGNORED by the McCanns. Most odd.
Mr-Martin Smith on seeing the arrival of Gerry McCann at the airport immediately contacted the police.
NUIP 201/07 o GALGS
4' Brigada Information
We can infer, from the analysis of the information contained in folios 2871 and 2872, that the statement of Martin Smith, duly identified and filed as folio 1606, reports new elements.
This information alleges that upon catching sight of Gerald McCann on the television news, when he (GM) arrived at the UK and still at the airport, he (GM) appeared to him to be the individual whom he saw on 3rd May in Praia da Luz, carrying a child.
As a result of this and because of the fact of the witness being resident in Ireland, we contacted an officer from the Irish force for the Iberian Peninsula, in Madrid, Bernard Gattney, who took on the task of carrying out the necessary arrangements in order to proceed to a new questioning of Martin Smith.
He was sent by email a copy of the information including the witness statement, and a list of questions to ask him, duly translated into English.
Portimao, 8th November 2007
Joao Carlos
4' Brigada Information
We can infer, from the analysis of the information contained in folios 2871 and 2872, that the statement of Martin Smith, duly identified and filed as folio 1606, reports new elements.
This information alleges that upon catching sight of Gerald McCann on the television news, when he (GM) arrived at the UK and still at the airport, he (GM) appeared to him to be the individual whom he saw on 3rd May in Praia da Luz, carrying a child.
As a result of this and because of the fact of the witness being resident in Ireland, we contacted an officer from the Irish force for the Iberian Peninsula, in Madrid, Bernard Gattney, who took on the task of carrying out the necessary arrangements in order to proceed to a new questioning of Martin Smith.
He was sent by email a copy of the information including the witness statement, and a list of questions to ask him, duly translated into English.
Portimao, 8th November 2007
Joao Carlos
AND what of the FUND money so generously donated by the public, what happened to it ?..The McCanns on their return to Rothley used it to hire a PR Team to clean their image and gain sympathy . HANOVER.
David Quainton, PR Week Worldwire, 14 September 2007, 4:05pm
McCanns hire Hanover for PR in face of media onslaught
The couple, in a surprise move, have turned to the agency that also works with Nationwide Building Society, NHS Cancer Screening and mobile company 3.
Lewington, managing director of Hanover, said: "At the moment we're providing temporary press office facilities for the McCanns. Justine (McGuinness) has been overwhelmed by the press interest.
The case is very fast moving and our position could change by Monday or Tuesday, depending on what lawyers tell us over the weekend.
"The McCanns have been treated extremely badly by the press, it's only right to help them out."
The McCanns are fighting to clear their name as allegations and suspicion rises concerning the disappearance of their missing four-year-old daughter.
The McCanns previously used Bell Pottinger crisis management consultant Alex Woolfall (who represented holiday firm Mark Warner), Sheree Dodd, a former spokeswoman for the Government, and former treasury special advisor Justine McGuinness.
Martin Brunt Photo: REX FEATURES
Known as "Brunt of the Yard," Martin Brunt, the crime correspondent at Rupert Murdoch's Sky News, was typically first with the story that is now dominating the headlines. "Police corruption has always been a delicate issue for crime hacks," he admitted in an interview four years ago. "What's acceptable in return for help on a story? A drink, lunch, an envelope full of fivers?"
Brunt, 56, who broke the news of the television presenter Jill Dando's murder, would never, of course, stoop to dispensing cash himself, but he admitted to spending "roughly the cost of a case of Chivas Regal" on dinner with a police contact. I once spotted him wining and dining Sir Ian Blair, when he was the Metropolitan Police Commissioner, at Shepherd's restaurant, not far from Scotland Yard, and he is clearly a good host. Brunt admitted that one lunch with a "VIP" officer lasted seven hours.
The Sky News website boasts of his "extensive network of contacts," and he knows many officers well. Two of them, Roy Ramm and John O'Connor, both former Scotland Yard commanders, often appear as pundits on Sky News.
Today Brunt, who started out on Power Laundry and Cleaning News before moving to The Sun and the News of the World – "it was so long ago, mobile phones hadn't been invented," he pointed out – regularly visits police forces to coach senior officers in handling the media. "Police officers, and sometimes very senior officers, do me big favours, and I think I should reciprocate – not in every way I can, but I have to be grown up about it," he explained.