Thursday, July 21, 2011

#Hackgate Alastair Campbell 'The Rebuttle'

A few thoughts on some of the many loose ends still threatening to stifle the full truth or, perhaps, strangle some of the key players in the phone hacking scandal.

First, for James Murdoch – I am finding it very hard to understand how on Tuesday he could reveal his shock at learning that News International part paid the legal bills of a convicted felon, yet it was not until Wednesday that this arrangement was brought to an end. Let me see if I understand this properly – he thought it was wrong when first he learned of it, yet not wrong enough to terminate the arrangement. Odd. Certainly one for a follow up letter from the select committee, who should also press on the financial arrangements made with Andy Coulson when he left News International, and when he later went to work for the Tory Party.

Also for Mr Murdoch Jr – when he authorised the out of court settlement for PFA chairman Gordon Taylor, am I right in understanding that Mr Taylor had been the victim of a criminal not civil offence, and if so why was that not brought immediately to the attention of the police? more