Saturday, July 23, 2011

#Hackgate: #MurdochMafia in the spotlight...

Is Rupert Murdoch’s News International essentially running a protection racket with the British government? Employ us, or else. Include us, or else. Befriend us, or else. Obey us, or else? Either that, or David Cameron believes you keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

While Cameron is not the only Prime Minister to bow low for Murdoch’s favour – Tony Blair apparently flew around the world to meet him – the degree to which his administration is bound to News International, through Andy Coulson and Rebekah Brooks, and the extent of his loyalty to both in the face of public outrage, demands serious interrogation.

Did he defend Andy Coulson, and subsequently have him to dinner after he resigned, because they were friends, or because he is scared of News International? Likewise Rebekah Brooks. Are she and Cameron really such good friends that Cameron had to stand against the tide of political and public opinion calling for her resignation, or was there a more compelling reason to maintain such a politically unpopular position? Like not offending Rupert Murdoch? more