Sunday, July 24, 2011

#Hackgate #MurdochMafia : Links to Underworld..

Snippet taken from article:

Former UK government minister Tom Watson has referred to Murdoch media people's attempts to destroy incriminating email evidence held at a storage facility in Chennai, India.

"We know now that News International had entered the criminal underworld," Mr Watson told MPs.

Police looking into NotW links to Madeline McCann and Danielle ...‎)

Are we talking about the Kosher Nostra?

The murder of Daniel Morgan was being investigated by Detective Chief Superintendent David Cook.

According to The Guardian, top Murdoch journalist Alex Marunchak reportedly agreed to carry out 'surveillance' on behalf of Jonathan Rees and Sid Fillery, the two people suspected of murdering Daniel Morgan.

News of the World surveillance of detective: what Rebekah Brooks knew)

The police see this as a possible attempt to pervert the course of justice.

The Guardian claims that surveillance of Detective Chief Superintendent David Cook involved Murdoch staff:

1. Following Cook and his children

2. Taking Cook's personal details from police databases.

3. Attempting to access the voicemail of Cook and his wife, and possibly trying to steal information from Cook's computer.